Schenkenzell in the Black Forest

Map: Black Forest
Information in brief
- Location: in the Kinzig valley in the central Black Forest
- Autobahn A 5 exit at Offenburg (No. 55) or Freiburg- Nord (No. 61), A 81 exit at Rottweil (No. 34)
- 365-800 m above sea level
- 1.800 inhabitants
- Districts: Kaltbrunn, Wittichen, Vortal
Schenkenzell is located in the Kinzig valley in the Central Black Forest. There are more than 300 km of well sign-posted hiking trails in unspoiled countryside in Schenkenzell. A popular hiking destination is the nostalgic monastery in the district of Wittichen. A 7 km long geological information trail can also be found in Wittichen, which documents the history of mining. With a little bit of luck, you can still find minerals today.